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The BHCA Executive

Adrian Lopez

Adrian Lopez


An award-winning filmmaker, visual effects artist and Branson Entrepreneur, Adrian is CEO of Liquid Light Digital and Advrt360, a virtual reality content developer.

Sharlyne Hall Campbell

Sharlyne Hall Campbell

Assistant Secretary

General Manager of Tropishades Limited,

Lorriann Meade

Lorriann Meade

Chair, Security Committee

Lorriann is the Managing Security Consultant with Lynmar Security Services

Wyvolyn Gager O.D.

Wyvolyn Gager O.D.

Chair, Membership Committee

An accomplished journalist, Wyvolyn is passionate about community cohesiveness.

Sarah Nicholson

Sarah Nicholson

Chair, Public Relations Committee

Sarah currently heads the Accounting and HR departments of the family business, Bogues Brothers Ltd.

Renaldo Chambers

Renaldo Chambers

Vice President

Renaldo has been employed to the Jamaica Public Service Company for the past 20 years,

Jacqueline Gayle

Jacqueline Gayle


Managing Director and Developer at Donlas Development Company Limited,

Annmarie Chambers

Annmarie Chambers

Chair, Utilities Committee

Annmarie is a motivator and a practical life coach.

Dr. Neville Graham

Dr. Neville Graham

Chair, Beautification Committee

Dr. Neville Graham, OD, is a Consultant Surgeon, Associate Professor and Dean of Caribbean School of Medical Sciences Jamaica.

Micheal Bramwell

Micheal Bramwell

Immediate Past President

A gas station operator for 22 years, Micheal was previously employed to Berger Paints for 21 years.

Sharon Elliot

Sharon Elliot


Sharon is the owner of The Book Merchant Ltd., with over 30 years of experience, and a BH resident of 12 years

Pauline Bowla

Pauline Bowla

Chair, Street Coord. & Asst. Treasurer

Managing Director of Bowla’s Car Rentals Limited and Peb and Soph Import and Export,

Colette Chen

Colette Chen

Chair, Entertainment & Fundraising

Currently serving as CEO of the Diabetes Centre Ltd, Colette has a Master’s in Business Administration.

Damith Wickramanayake

Damith Wickramanayake

Communications Administrator

Damith is an Associate Professor at UTech, and a passionate Researcher

About BHCA

The Beverly HIlls Citizens Association is a non-profit organization. Our mandate is to bring residents of our community together, We aim to promote a sense of belonging and inclusivity in our community by encouraging participation and engagement in events and initiatives that promote social cohesion, diversity, and sustainability. Our ultimate goal is to create a vibrant, connected, and resilient community.

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